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    demur - Dictionary definition and meaning for word demur

    (noun) (law) a formal objection to an opponent's pleadings
    Synonyms : demurral , demurrer
    (verb) take exception to
    Synonyms : except
    Example Sentence
    • he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday
    (verb) enter a demurrer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for demur

sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object!

demur --> relate with hindi word "de mar" means "beat" and you beat someone if you object him/her.

de- means "down", while mur means wall(mural), ie., to push against the wall, which could be a sign of "objection".

Your demeanor is your behavior towards others but if you try too hard people might 'question' your intentions and sincerity

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The chances of me going out with you are very DIMMER as my parent will object it!

Criminal to Lawyer: DE + MUR = OBJECTION DEga toh MURega

The DEfying MURmur in the audience rose quickly into a audible demur against his suggestion.

JA MUR (go to hell)

remember Michael Douglas demurred to Demi Moore's advancements for Sex in d movie DISCLOSURE!!!


de man ur wouldbe, she hesitate raise an objection

girls will dream her wouldbe,hesitate raise an objection if we are not the one.

JA MUR (go to hell)

demu.pronounce it like abe+ murkh(insane) ye aisa nahi hai..means you are taking objection.

demur-the words can be arranged to get murder and as we know a murderer always refuses and hesitates at first to tell that he has committed the crime

dey murr in urdu/hindi, means dey (give to them) murr (turn away from or show your back to) to say you dissapprove

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