• word of the day


    demotic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word demotic

    (noun) a simplified cursive form of the ancient hieratic script
    Synonyms : demotic script
    Example Sentence
    • Demotic script was eventually replaced by Greek
    (noun) the modern Greek vernacular
    Synonyms : romaic
    (adj) of or written in or belonging to the form of modern Greek based on colloquial use Definition
    (adj) of or for the common people
    Example Sentence
    • demotic entertainments
    • demotic speech
    • a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms
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demo means relating to people like in a democracy.

in greek "DEMOS" means people....

Demotic = Democratic always means People related things.

sounds like "the motive" which people should have

democratic by the people or of the people.

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