• word of the day


    curtail - Dictionary definition and meaning for word curtail

    (verb) place restrictions on
    Synonyms : curb , cut back , restrict
    Example Sentence
    • curtail drinking in school
    (verb) terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent
    Synonyms : clip , cut short
    Example Sentence
    • My speech was cut short
    • Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for curtail

curTAIL. Can be read as cur + TAIL or cutting the tail of an animal, ie reducing it. So curTAIL is to shorten or to reduce.

if you put CURTains to yur door or windows it will REDUCE the width of the door or window

we use curtains to RESTRICT others seeing us (say while changing our clothes :D)...!!!

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