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    cupidity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cupidity

    (noun) extreme greed for material wealth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cupidity

cupidity:look for CUPID HERE..cupid is the god of love. so cupidity means having an desire or greed for wealth. cupid-wealth-cupidity...greed for wealth.

CUP+IDLI+TEA....a person who wants cup full of wine,IDLI to eat and TEA is too GREEDY.............................

imagine a Cupid who makes up the matches earning a lot of money by doing so...

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Cupidity is stupidity...

cupidity = cup + hidi hidi means catch.. so greed

Salman Khan Movie Partner or Will Smith starrer Hitch They both, were "Cupid" earning money of it..


My cup runneth over with desire for wealth.

cupidity = cup + i + dity; have to give him more cups of sugar i.e he is greedy for wealth.

so what we thought about cupid as god or angel of Love, it turns out he was just a hoax fraud, he is really just greedy about money and wealth, his eyes are on money and no love

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