• word of the day


    crest - Dictionary definition and meaning for word crest

    (noun) the top line of a hill, mountain, or wave Definition
    (noun) the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
    Synonyms : crown , peak , summit , tip , top
    Example Sentence
    • the view from the peak was magnificent
    • they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
    • the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
    (noun) the center of a cambered road
    Synonyms : crown
    (noun) (heraldry) in medieval times, an emblem used to decorate a helmet Definition
    (noun) a showy growth of e.g. feathers or skin on the head of a bird or other animal Definition
    (verb) lie at the top of
    Synonyms : cap
    Example Sentence
    • Snow capped the mountains
    (verb) reach a high point
    Example Sentence
    • The river crested last night
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for crest

In EM waves the shape is continuous consisting of crusts & troughs..so crest is like Crust i.e upper part/highest point of that wave.

crestfallen means sad, depressed, if we remember the mnemonic we used for crestfallen was falling from height, so sad or depressed, so CREST means HIGHEST/TOPMOST POINT

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