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    contiguous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word contiguous

    (adj) very close or connected in space or time
    Synonyms : immediate
    Example Sentence
    • contiguous events
    • immediate contact
    • the immediate vicinity
    • the immediate past
    (adj) connecting without a break; within a common boundary
    Synonyms : conterminous
    Example Sentence
    • the 48 conterminous states
    • the contiguous 48 states
    (adj) having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching
    Example Sentence
    • Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut
    • the side of Germany conterminous with France
    • Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho
    • neighboring cities
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contiguous

Each state in the United States is touching/adjacent to another; they are all continous, which sounds similar to contiguous

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rhymes with continuous.. to be continuous you gotta be contiguous

sounds like CONTAGIOUS..contagious disease is a disease caused when you are CONNECTED with people and CONTIGUOUS also means connected !!!!!!!!

CONTIGUOUS= countrys together

"in close proximity"-Something has to be CONTIGUOUS to be CONTAGIOUS!!

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