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    concord - Dictionary definition and meaning for word concord

    (noun) capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river Definition
    (noun) a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole
    Synonyms : concordance , harmony
    (noun) the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations
    Synonyms : agreement
    (noun) town in eastern Massachusetts near Boston where the first battle of the American Revolution was fought Definition
    (noun) agreement of opinions
    Synonyms : concordance , harmony
    (noun) the first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775) Definition
    (verb) go together
    Synonyms : accord , agree , consort , fit in , harmonise , harmonize
    Example Sentence
    • The colors don't harmonize
    • Their ideas concorded
    (verb) arrange by concord or agreement
    Example Sentence
    • Concord the conditions for the marriage of the Prince of Wales with a commoner
    (verb) arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance
    Example Sentence
    • The team concorded several thousand nouns, verbs, and adjectives
    (verb) be in accord; be in agreement
    Synonyms : agree , concur , hold
    Example Sentence
    • We agreed on the terms of the settlement
    • I can't agree with you!
    • I hold with those who say life is sacred
    • Both philosophers concord on this point
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concord

If you are a keyboard player you must be knowing about chords..chords are used for harmony...concord = con + chord...

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

CONCORDE plane was a HARMONY between UK and FRANCE airforces!

this word sounds like cone(icecream)+cord(sword)... that is a person will agree to ur opinion either of the two ways i.e. either by giving him icecream or by showing him sword

rhymes with accord which means the same Contain word CORD, remember word CORDIAL which means friendly/harmony CONCORDE plane was a HARMONY between UK and FRANCE airforces!

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