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    concoct - Dictionary definition and meaning for word concoct

    (verb) make a concoction (of) by mixing Definition
    (verb) prepare or cook by mixing ingredients
    Synonyms : cook up
    Example Sentence
    • concoct a strange mixture
    (verb) invent
    Synonyms : trump up
    Example Sentence
    • trump up charges
    (verb) devise or invent
    Synonyms : dream up , hatch , think of , think up
    Example Sentence
    • He thought up a plan to get rich quickly
    • no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for concoct

coct - resembles a cocktail, prepared by mixing and combining. A conman is preparing it, in a concert disguised(make up) as a bartender.

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con+coc+t con= combination (different items) coc= cocking so concoct= combination if different items in cocking means "prepare by mixing ingredients"

The con used a cocktail of make up kits to hoodwink the police...just about sums up the whole word's meaning

Word used in video below:
text: there who hates us enough to concoct
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