• word of the day


    conciliatory - Dictionary definition and meaning for word conciliatory

    (adj) making or willing to make concessions
    Synonyms : compromising , flexible
    Example Sentence
    • loneliness tore through him...whenever he thought of...even the compromising Louis du Tillet
    (adj) intended to placate
    Synonyms : conciliative
    Example Sentence
    • spoke in a conciliating tone
    • a conciliatory visit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conciliatory

Heyy thz sounds like CONSOLING...which means soothing...

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concil is pronouncing like council,in council elections the standing candidate wants to win the feelings of others

Can remember this with the word reconcile. Once u have a fight with your friend, then you do something good to appease him....so as to get back to normal friendship (or you reconcile with him) So this can be taken as a conciliatory act.

ConCILIAtory. Cilia line our lungs to prevent particles from being logged. In the end they are HELPing you. ConCILIAtory helps.

you can conciliate by counseling.

In India always for a dispute a council is elected, so as at least to solve a dispute with peace n goodwill.. Such things are called conciliatory... ;)

conciliatory[console the military] we have to console the military to stop the violance against citizens and discuss peacefully

It resembles "silly". If you are in a meeting if you dont give conciliayory speech it would be silly.

con(together)+silna=bring friendship back together

council is going take eat i.e making friendly relationship.

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