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    cloying - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cloying

    (adj) overly sweet
    Synonyms : saccharine , syrupy , treacly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cloying

remember CLOVE--excessive addition of clove in the food makes the food distasteful..

sounds like toying means playing with someone like a toy. It is very sweet to that person but distasteful to the society.

cloy is like clay...which is distasteful

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cloying sounds very close to annoying

cloying-loy- loy, a gr8 musician, his songs were gr8 to hear in the starting,but now,,its him everywhere,cz of which the true taste of his good music,has been lost..

cloying== coying we know coy means shy or excessively modest, if someone is too shy or modest than its distasteful!!!!!!

The cloying scent of popcorn at the fair is a PLOY to get you to buy more popcorn.

cloying,loyal ppl used to play with girls.which is unpleasent

cloying sounds like 'clawing' something to your mouth and then its sickening sweetness puts you off

closing the restaurant due to cloying food

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