• word of the day


    chortle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word chortle

    (noun) a soft partly suppressed laugh
    Synonyms : chuckle
    (verb) laugh quietly or with restraint
    Synonyms : chuckle , laugh softly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chortle

CHORi TAL gayi because due to our laughter chor knew that we are in room.

chortle - ch + turtle, when turtle won the race with hare , i chuckled with delight

Imagine giving a chart to a cartoonist in a gathering. He would definitely draw something funny and leave audience chuckling

chor+tell wen chor hindi word for thief confesses or tells that he is come to the owner house to steal the ppl in the house will laugh at him

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chori+tell me why what made chuckle?

well chortle.....divide this word into c+hort+le......now focus on middle word....hort...sound simillar to word hoot.....which means..to laugh , to chuckle

chortle=c+how+turtle is dancing..... people on seeing that laughs delightly...,

hor...middlle part simillar to hooray an excalamation....to show..your happiness..you laugh....

c+hortel means when u see hortel u'll chuckle with the thought of havin fun

chotu--laughs on every bad joke :P

It is exciting a joy to ride a car in full throttle.

chort(short)+ (smi)le

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