• word of the day


    cheap - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cheap

    (adj) relatively low in price or charging low prices
    Synonyms : inexpensive
    Example Sentence
    • it would have been cheap at twice the price
    • inexpensive family restaurants
    (adj) tastelessly showy
    Example Sentence
    • a flash car
    • a flashy ring
    • garish colors
    • a gaudy costume
    • loud sport shirts
    • a meretricious yet stylish book
    • tawdry ornaments
    (adj) of very poor quality; flimsy
    Synonyms : bum , cheesy , chintzy , crummy , punk , sleazy , tinny
    (adj) embarrassingly stingy
    Synonyms : chinchy , chintzy

Word used in video below:
text: You think I'm cheap?
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