• word of the day


    charisma - Dictionary definition and meaning for word charisma

    (noun) a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for charisma

this word sounds like KARISMA(KAPOOR BOLlYWOOD HEROINE)..she definitely has great charm and is quite appealing.

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this also sounds like hindi word karisma ..means a MIRACLE and a miracle is a DIVINE GIFT OF GOD.

It is spelled as KARIZMA, everyone knows abt the Bike,manufactured by Hero Honda,it has ths following features: allure, appeal, charm, dazzle, fascination, gift, glamour, magnetism, pizzazz,power (these are actually the synonyms)

charisma (rithima of dil milgaye she has so personal attraction that arman fall in love with her

having charm

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