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    caustic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word caustic

    (noun) any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue Definition
    (adj) harsh or corrosive in tone
    Example Sentence
    • an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
    • a barrage of acid comments
    • her acrid remarks make her many enemies
    • bitter words
    • blistering criticism
    • caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
    • a sulfurous denunciation
    • a vitriolic critique
    (adj) of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
    Synonyms : corrosive , erosive , mordant , vitriolic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for caustic

caustic soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore caustic means harmful or burning. Since its a soda its somehow related with chemistry as well..

sounds like 'caution'... meaning, be careful, there is something..... that is corrosive... or... 'can cause corrosion'.

In medical terms 'cauterize' is burning or sealing the ends of blood vessels/nerves similar to destroying; As far as speech, talking about the holoCAUST can be harsh

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caustic=it CAUSes your TIssues destroy!

The stinging sunburn I got CAUSed an involuntary TICk in my arm.

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