• word of the day


    carrion - Dictionary definition and meaning for word carrion

    (noun) the dead and rotting body of an animal; unfit for human food
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carrion

car+lion imagine rotten body of a lion after a car run over it.

The vulture carries on eating carrion . (carries on=carrion)

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Vultures CARRY ON the process of decaying of dead animals(carrion)

Hey guys, don't carry the rotten CARRION. Carry on searching fresh flesh.

its law of nature bodies will die n will decay...but we must CARRY ON

ifu can identify rio in the above word, rio de janerio...in the outskirts of rio de janerio,u can find canibals and vultures eating dead ,rotten flesh together.

No one oses carrion to make curry.

if u find rooten flesh on road dont stop.....still carry+on

CARRI+ON=carry on. means the food chain cannot carry on without decomposition/rotting of dead bodies.

Sounds like CARRIER--carrier carries DEAD BODY..

Orion, the hunter hunts down animals and leaves dead rotten animals behind.

The one who carry on his life by rotting flesh of a dead body.

Word used in video below:
text: black carrion fast and the wind at our
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