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    carping - Dictionary definition and meaning for word carping

    (noun) persistent petty and unjustified criticism
    Synonyms : faultfinding
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carping

If you will ping with your car horn, people will shout at you...they will complain... carping...

Car+p(ark)+ing; Many people find faults in ur carparking style

carping sounds like crap...so its unjustified to criticize this word and call it "crap".

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carping - harping in an irritating way = fretful complaining

If you ping some one while driving car your parents criticize you.

ping kar kar k galti batana

Sounds like crapping... means critism, complain, finding faults.

If someone "Ping your car"..they COMPLAIN about you

It's easy to be carping at one, rather then to act for cause.

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