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    carp - Dictionary definition and meaning for word carp

    (noun) the lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised Definition
    (noun) any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae Definition
    (verb) raise trivial objections
    Synonyms : cavil , chicane
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for carp

Carp sounds like Cop. Remember the traffic cop. How they will extort money, by finding useless faults.

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a person who keeps using the word Crap,, u r crap, that is crap, im not doing, its crap, my life is a crap so that person is a CARP

CAR+Parking....most of the people in metro cities raise petty objections about parking a car

imagine a carpenter raising some petty objectns

Car + Police - Finds unnecessary objections

Imagine your CAR Parked at the right location and Trafic Officer is carping on you.

Word used in video below:
text: carp carve your pumpkin follow the dark
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