• word of the day


    calamity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word calamity

    (noun) an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
    Example Sentence
    • the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity
    • the earthquake was a disaster
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for calamity

divide it as cal (call..)+ amity(almighty).. when you are in deep MISERY or when you face DISASTER .. you turn to the almighty..

the meaning of amity is love..........and u call for love when you are in distress or misery.......so u call-amity....its calamity

cal(sounds similar to hindi word aakal means drought)and whenever akkal aata hai it brings disaster and misery with it.

Abthul Kalam's entry of politics ia a calamity for science.

calamity has "CAL".that means DISASTRE hence the meaning.

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