• word of the day


    cadet - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cadet

    (noun) a military trainee (as at a military academy)
    Synonyms : plebe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cadet

remember NCC = national cadet crops. students joined in NCC camp for serving nation. so they ll join military trainee they are called cadet

sounds like CADER...the comrades/active party members of a political party...meaning is similar too

It sounds like 'candidate',so by this remember it as student(candidate) at military school

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in Hindi...daant means scolding...so ca-det(replace e by a)..in military cadets get a lot of scolding for being disciplined

You konw what cadre is! If so, You can easily remeber this!

student at military is chosen as candidate.

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