• word of the day


    buoyant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word buoyant

    (adj) tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas
    Synonyms : floaty
    Example Sentence
    • buoyant balloons
    • buoyant balsawood boats
    • a floaty scarf
    (adj) characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
    Synonyms : chirpy , perky
    Example Sentence
    • buoyant spirits
    • his quick wit and chirpy humor
    • looking bright and well and chirpy
    • a perky little widow in her 70s
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for buoyant

buoyant = Boy + ant when a boy feels like an ant, which is very light , he feels very light and lively.

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buoy-ant=boy+want; boys always want to be light and lively.

remember buoyance of a n utensil.. coz of which it can float on water...

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