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    bristle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bristle

    (noun) a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic Definition
    (noun) a stiff hair Definition
    (verb) be in a state of movement or action
    Synonyms : abound , burst
    Example Sentence
    • The room abounded with screaming children
    • The garden bristled with toddlers
    (verb) rise up as in fear
    Synonyms : stand up , uprise
    Example Sentence
    • The dog's fur bristled
    • It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!
    (verb) have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles
    Example Sentence
    • bristling leaves
    (verb) react in an offended or angry manner
    Example Sentence
    • He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program
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One use his 'Pistol' to express his 'Bristle'.

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