Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for botch

bot (like BAHUT) in hindi - ch (chhee chhee ).. as in something done really shameful

botch.......rhymes like hindi means children ...often do blunders....:)

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Botch:Bach(for botch) ke tu rehna re from embarassing mistake re.

botch sounds like "BUCHH"....mamu teri to buch lageli hai means vaat lageli hai...jab tune koi bada vala blunder ya mistake ki hogi isliye buchh lag gai...

botch ~ bache in hindi...suppose a girl got thats an embarrasing mistake right? ;)

Might sound vulgar; BOTCH=BITCH, so when we have a whore, we..blow her and mismanage her, treat her as we like.

sounds like bitch. the bitch fucked up!!!

Botch sounds like scoth i.e if u drink scoth, u can do embarassing mistake

thune bottle chore keya

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