• word of the day


    blanch - Dictionary definition and meaning for word blanch

    (verb) turn pale, as if in fear
    Synonyms : blench , pale
    (verb) cook (vegetables) briefly
    Synonyms : parboil
    Example Sentence
    • Parboil the beans before freezing them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blanch

blanch resembles blank..which is generally refered as a white space..so blanch means to leave it white..so whiten

blanch sounds like bleach--woman go for bleaching to whiten their skin or to make their skin more white.

blanche in french means white

blANCH-anch-anchal, is a pretty gal.im smitten by her white innocent face..lol..!!

bLANch -> lan -> lane; so to WHITEN the lane we use BLEACHing powder

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Sounds like Blond. Blond girls have blanched hair.

doctor said to girl if she takes syrup"BEFORE LUNCH "(blanch) her skin will be whitened

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