• word of the day


    baste - Dictionary definition and meaning for word baste

    (noun) a loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric together
    Synonyms : basting , basting stitch , tacking
    (verb) cover with liquid before cooking
    Example Sentence
    • baste a roast
    (verb) strike violently and repeatedly
    Synonyms : batter , clobber
    Example Sentence
    • She clobbered the man who tried to attack her
    (verb) sew together loosely, with large stitches
    Synonyms : tack
    Example Sentence
    • baste a hem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baste

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BASTE rhymes with waste.he is a waste there is nothing wrong in THRASHING him

In Baste (Slum in Hindi) they had to add spit to moisten their food before cooking because they had no oil.

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