• word of the day


    avant-garde - Dictionary definition and meaning for word avant-garde

    (noun) any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)
    Synonyms : new wave , van , vanguard
    (adj) radically new or original
    Synonyms : daring
    Example Sentence
    • an avant-garde theater piece
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for avant-garde

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Sounds like SEVENTH GRADE (AVANT-GARDE)..... Seventh grade students are very innovative

The US pronunciation is something like "A one guard" .You always want something of A one (A 1) grade. Now you can remember this.

avant-garde,seems like vasant(spring) garden .Time when new vegetation pops up.

the word avant sounds like advance, and moreover the word garde sounds like grade(upgrade),so somethg which is upgraded is done by a grp of innovative people(through Research and devpt)

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