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    austere - Dictionary definition and meaning for word austere

    (adj) severely simple
    Synonyms : severe , stark , stern
    Example Sentence
    • a stark interior
    (adj) of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect
    Synonyms : stern
    Example Sentence
    • an austere expression
    • a stern face
    (adj) practicing great self-denial
    Synonyms : ascetic , ascetical , spartan
    Example Sentence
    • Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it
    • a desert nomad's austere life
    • a spartan diet
    • a spartan existence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for austere

AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there

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austere sounds like severe which it means

remember austin? I mean STONE COLD steve austin. he was harsh , severe and stern

(in Hindi language) Austere = A(hindi, means NO) + Ustere = A + USTARA(Hindi, Knife) = No+Ustrara => Aaj ke jamane me one without Ustara, it means he is SEVERLY SIMPLE

auSTERe....connect it with stern

AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there

Austere = I steer away (from)

Aus=out Tere=tear with strength (not water) Tearing out from your desires-self denials.

austere ( tear are so simple without any decorations and they are filled with emotion

Aunts' Tears: When his AUnts saw his rigorously self-disciplined lifestyle, they alll bursted into TEARS.

a+us+tere—USne TERE pyar ke liye sab chod diya and led a SIMPLE LIFE WITHOUT COMFORTS

a+us(usne)+tere pyaar me khana pina chod diya hai

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