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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for asperity

Asperity can be thought of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness

asperity = austerity; meanings are also same.

As+per+IT(software industry)is well known for their harshness in layoff

aspiri + ty : aspiriN; ASPIRIN - IS given when there is SEVERE pAIN OR headache;

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as+per+it+y.. as per it is.. anyway it maybe, you have to endure it, even if it's too harsh

ASPIRIN....aspirin is a drug taken to get rid of headache....hence when life brings ASPERITY(headache) in your life you take ASPIRIN....

think about aspartic acid, PH is 4.0 midrange so is harsh,irritable

asPERIty- chk the word PERI,peri,take it as perinial.perinial ,means highest point,thats the tip.how is a tip? Ans-its sharp.

Have aspri(N) + with ty(TEA) after a rough day at work/school!

asperity= (as) as (per) per (ity) duty, it can be read as AS PER DUTY,so anyone who is in duty is naturally goes by the rules,harsh,severe.

picture a woman beating someone over the head with ASPARAGUS.

Remember in Dumb and Dumber the ASPERITY of the ride to ASPEN on the scooter when Lloyd peed on Harry and they had icecicles in their noses.

ASPerity has asp(venomous snake) in it. So features of asp i.e sharpness, roughness. If it bites we will have 'SEVERE' consequences

As + per + ty(the) rules. It is a phrase which is generally said in a harsh or critical tone.

Harshly said -> "As per tea you are not invited".

acid se relate karo

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