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    arouse - Dictionary definition and meaning for word arouse

    (verb) call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
    Synonyms : elicit , enkindle , evoke , fire , kindle , provoke , raise
    Example Sentence
    • arouse pity
    • raise a smile
    • evoke sympathy
    (verb) stop sleeping
    Synonyms : awake , awaken , come alive , wake , wake up , waken
    Example Sentence
    • She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock
    (verb) summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
    Example Sentence
    • raise the specter of unemployment
    • he conjured wild birds in the air
    • call down the spirits from the mountain
    (verb) cause to be alert and energetic
    Synonyms : brace , energise , energize , perk up , stimulate
    Example Sentence
    • Coffee and tea stimulate me
    • This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate
    (verb) cause to become awake or conscious
    Synonyms : awaken , rouse , wake , wake up , waken
    Example Sentence
    • He was roused by the drunken men in the street
    • Please wake me at 6 AM.
    (verb) to begin moving,
    Synonyms : stir
    Example Sentence
    • As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir
    (verb) stimulate sexually
    Synonyms : excite , sex , turn on , wind up
    Example Sentence
    • This movie usually arouses the male audience
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