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    armada - Dictionary definition and meaning for word armada

    (noun) a large fleet
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do u know narmada river ? fleets of warship in narmada ~ armada

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remember the Armageddon movie (1998) Bruce Willis...

sounds like arm(weapon in ships) + adda(place where a group meets) so armada is group of warships

armada rhymes with armani whose symbol is like a ship

arm + data ~ collection of arms that is only possible in the warships....

Armageddon movie (1998) Bruce Willis... imagine as in most bollywood movies, a large number of sheeps attack some country..

Armada is the Spanish and Portuguese word for naval fleet, or an adjective meaning 'armed'; Armáda is the Czech and Slovak for armed forces.

Armada = arm +a + da; The arm of dada is large tree.

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text: I'm the hospital Armada nobody's written
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