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    aria - Dictionary definition and meaning for word aria

    (noun) an elaborate song for solo voice
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Heyy u hav d famous mARIA song by Ricky Martin...

a+ria...riazz...and we know that if we have to learn singing we have to do riaz... so a riaz is the way to improve our singing...so think if you are given an elaborate song for riaz.

imagine u r calling Riya Sen(Aa Riya!) 2 sing a song 4 u

ARIA- if u remember salman khan in a movie sings a song in a program..O priya O priya..priya...(link it with Opera)

mARIA mARIA song of Santana

mARIAh carey

Disney's ARIEL sings many ARIAS in The Little Mermaid.

reminds of maria maria song in the partner movie..salman sings maria maria in solo...

pronounce the word like song .. aaaaaaariiiiiaaaaaaa

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