• word of the day


    apprehensive - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apprehensive

    (adj) quick to understand
    Synonyms : discerning
    Example Sentence
    • a kind and apprehensive friend
    (adj) mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
    Synonyms : worried
    Example Sentence
    • apprehensive about her job
    • not used to a city and worried about small things
    • felt apprehensive about the consequences
    (adj) in fear or dread of possible evil or harm
    Example Sentence
    • apprehensive for one's life
    • apprehensive of danger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apprehensive

appreHENsive:hen is always fearful...

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Apprehend + sive (Thieve) Thieves always have a fear of getting apprehended

APPREHENSIVE<===> बोदगम्य/आशंकावान (pr. \\bodagamy/Ashanakavan \\ )[Adjective] Example:I feel very apprehensive about tomorrows match.

apprehensive sounds OFFENSIVE, hence fearful

apprehend(=arrest) +sive (sounds like seize) = apprehensive.....when somebody is arrested, he will be "FEARFUL"

appre+hen:appre can be related to opra while opra if hens suddenly come everyone frightens


appre+hen+sive—who appears like hen--- hen is always fearful

apprehend means arrested, and arrested person is always in fear about future

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