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    apparition - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apparition

    (noun) a ghostly appearing figure
    Example Sentence
    • we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us
    (noun) the appearance of a ghostlike figure
    Example Sentence
    • I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter
    (noun) something existing in perception only
    Synonyms : fantasm , phantasm , phantasma , phantom , shadow
    Example Sentence
    • a ghostly apparition at midnight
    (noun) an act of appearing or becoming visible unexpectedly
    Example Sentence
    • natives were amazed at the apparition of this white stranger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apparition

sounds like 'a partition'. When a soul 'partitions' from a body, u become a "ghost"

A + PARI i.e. ghost

a(one)+pari+son son of a fairy who might be a ghost

sounds like Perish(means to die)->APPARITION=A(one)+PERISHED+ION(one)->somebody who has died and is now a ghost floating above the ground

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A partition of India was like a ghostly thing to happen

APPARITION<===> प्रेत (pr. \\pret \\ )[Noun] Example:He told us stories of apparitions and frightened us.

Anil Kapoor in Mr. India movie.

just remember it as aparition(operation) phantom

Sounds like operation..we do operatoion to remove appatition(ghostly object)

appart means away from, you are away from dreams & also means unattainable.

apparition = ap + parition, ap for application of parition i.e. tension is showing on your face.

Word used in video below:
text: that I'm apparent paranormal Apparition
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