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    apocalyptic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word apocalyptic

    (adj) prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom
    Synonyms : apocalyptical , revelatory
    (adj) of or relating to an apocalypse
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a + po(prophecy) + calyptic(calamity) . So a prophecy of a calamity.

calamity means a disiater- so focus on 'cal' in apocalyptic

apocalyptic ape+calyptic...calyptic is simaliar to a calamity..and ape is old so old calamity...or old disaster

remember the movie apocalypto...in this movie a lot of disaster happpens..

APOCALYPTIC<===> भविष्यसूचक (pr. \\bhaviShyasuchak \\ )[Noun]

apo + calyptic; calyptic ~ kaalpnic (imagination); so sometime people imagine as if they are going to die in some disaster.

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text: last question in a post-apocalyptic
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