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    antediluvian - Dictionary definition and meaning for word antediluvian

    (noun) any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge Definition
    (noun) a very old person
    Synonyms : ancient
    (adj) of or relating to the period before the biblical flood
    Synonyms : antediluvial
    Example Sentence
    • antediluvian man
    (adj) so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
    Synonyms : antiquated , archaic
    Example Sentence
    • a ramshackle antediluvian tenement
    • antediluvian ideas
    • archaic laws
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for antediluvian

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Antediluvian = Aunty+de+luv..; Usually, Loving and Caring Aunties are OLD... very Old.. and hence the meaning..

ANTE== BEFORE DILUVIAN== DILUGE (FLOOD {BIBLICAL})means === extremely old fashioned

AUNTY+DIE+LAVIAN(apply)...hair die lagane wali aunty to obviously old hogi....

antediluvian ~ anti (against) + luv (love); If you are against love, you are probably a person with antediluvian thoughts.

antediluvian=rhymes as: antique+to+everyone

concentrate on diluvian.it resembles alluvium,takes years to form alluvium deposits.hence ANCIENT and ANTIQUATED

Anti + di(2) + love = old ppl are against 2 loves.

ANTE-DIL-UVIAN: ante- against;dil-love;u-you; if ur against love, your propably oldfashioned or antique

diluvian sounds like dravidian - ancient

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