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    anomalous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word anomalous

    (adj) deviating from the general or common order or type
    Example Sentence
    • advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anomalous

anomalous means abnormal. Think of abnormal when you read the word anomalous

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anomalous behaviour of water with different forms as in solid liquid and gas... ice, water and vapours... so irregular in characteristics

anomalous ~ a (not) + nomal (normal); someone who is not normal and hence abnormal or deviating from general.

anomaly = irregularity, anomalous = irregular

anomalous..can be split into.. "am not nomal" means abnormal

AbNOrMAL-OUS (If you only consider the capital letters it spells ANOMALOUS which means abnormal)

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