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    animus - Dictionary definition and meaning for word animus

    (noun) a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
    Synonyms : animosity , bad blood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for animus

Pronounce it like 'enemy'us. So, our enemies are always hostile towards us.

relate it with "animal"(feeling like a raging bull)

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animus means mind, so 'I mind you and yr work'.. hostile feeling or intent.. same for animosity..

animus sounds like animals...just imagine that if u dont like animals...then obviously when u see them u will be irritated and it may lead to a feeling of hostility

ANIMUS<===> द्वेष/विरोध (pr. \\dveSh/virodh \\ )[Noun] Example:They showed strong animus against NATO action.

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