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    ample - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ample

    (adj) more than enough in size or scope or capacity
    Example Sentence
    • had ample food for the party
    • an ample supply
    (adj) affording an abundant supply
    Synonyms : copious , plenteous , plentiful , rich
    Example Sentence
    • had ample food for the party
    • copious provisions
    • food is plentiful
    • a plenteous grape harvest
    • a rich supply
    (adj) fairly large
    Synonyms : sizable , sizeable
    Example Sentence
    • a sizable fortune
    • an ample waistline
    • of ample proportions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ample

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amplifier means to increase in strength of signal so ample means in abundance

Ample sounds like Temple, in which there is abundance of everything.

ample ~ apple; in summer supply supply of apple is ample;

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