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    alms - Dictionary definition and meaning for word alms

    (noun) money or goods contributed to the poor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alms

beggars put their p+alms in front of u for alms

alms.take alm..take alm as alma matter,if u can reemember,alma matter,is somthing christian,godly.christly,so christ used to give money,food to the poor. or alms,take this as arms,give an arm,refers to help some one or give a support..

alms = 'al=all & m=money'

alms ~ arms; Our country should not spend money spend in buying arms instead it should give money to poor people.

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aam(mangoes) for charity

arms are give to the military where as alms are given to the poor....you can remember it this way

ALMS<===> दान (pr. \\dan \\ )[Noun] Example:He gives alms to the poor. ALMSHOUSE<===> दानशाला (pr. \\danashala \\ )[Noun] Example:Many temples in India have almshouses.

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