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    allegiance - Dictionary definition and meaning for word allegiance

    (noun) the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
    Synonyms : commitment , dedication , loyalty
    Example Sentence
    • his long commitment to public service
    • they felt no loyalty to a losing team
    (noun) the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)
    Synonyms : fealty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allegiance

We have heard the fancy stories of ALI and his GIN... his gin is COMMITTED and LOYAL to him.. hence ALLE + GI(A)N + CE...

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sound like reliance. so, when will u rely on anyone, simply if he is loyal to u. :)

allegiance = alleg + ia + nce..read it as allege n..alag nahi (in Hindi)..and hence loyal or binded.

allegiance sounds like a league. after joining the league he was pretty loyal to it !

allegiance ~ alleg +ef + iance: This sounds together like alleg(ALLEGE)+iance(sounds like fiance)....you allege your fiance of not being loyal to you.

ALLE+JEANS- this jeans u put on for all time, binding with u.

calling “allah ji” instead of “allah” shows loyalty

ally+giance,ally means friend and a good friend is always loyal

come from: liege (mean: king, loyal) . allegiance ~ all + liege = all for the king = loyalty

this word brings in mind the word ,elegance,isnt it ? well,if so- loyalty is for elegance,vice versa.

ali gyan se loyal hai.... this may be the mnemonics for the word coz i use this mnemonics for my stu...

all jeans (ALLEGIANCE) have expensive LOYALTY.

We owe allegiance to our study.

ALLEGIANCE<===> निष्ठा {राजभक्ति} (pr. \\niShTha {rajabhakti} \\ )[Noun] Example:They swear allegiance to the flag. ALLEGIANCE<===> निष्ठा (pr. \\niShTha \\ )[Noun] Example:They swear allegiance to the

All in Jeans = always in Jeans= show allegiance to jeans

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