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    adjoin - Dictionary definition and meaning for word adjoin

    (verb) lie adjacent to another or share a boundary
    Synonyms : abut , border , butt , butt against , butt on , edge , march
    Example Sentence
    • Canada adjoins the U.S.
    • England marches with Scotland
    (verb) be in direct physical contact with; make contact
    Synonyms : contact , meet , touch
    Example Sentence
    • The two buildings touch
    • Their hands touched
    • The wire must not contact the metal cover
    • The surfaces contact at this point
    (verb) attach or add
    Example Sentence
    • I adjoin a copy of your my lawyer's letter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for adjoin

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ADJOIN<===> संयुक्त होना[करना] (pr. \\sanayukt hona[karana] \\ )[Verb] Example:The telegraph office adjoins the post office. ADJOIN<===> जोड़ देना (pr. \\joDa dena \\ )[Noun]

ad + join ~ adjacent and joining;

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