• word of the day


    acrophobia - Dictionary definition and meaning for word acrophobia

    (noun) a morbid fear of great heights
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for acrophobia

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a crow phobia...crows live their lives at great heights

ACRObat performs from great heights... PHOBIA means fear ACROPHOBIA = fear of heights

a-crow, crow fly at a HEIGHT, phobia-fear hence easy to remember

Imagine that u r sitting on a crow and flying in the air at gr8 heights. U fear when u look down due to acrophobia.

acro + phobia=height+fear

"Acrophobia" == "Acro" ,, similar to "Aero" airplane ,,, people frightened in plane for high altitude , ,, ie fear of height

acrimonious - acid + money. Feel bitter toward people with money.

a crow height phobia(fear in tennali tamil movie)

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