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    acerbity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word acerbity

    (noun) a sharp bitterness Definition
    (noun) a sharp sour taste
    Synonyms : tartness
    (noun) a rough and bitter manner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for acerbity

acer( SIR)+bity(BITE)...well your boss(SIR) is using BITTER WORDS FOR YOU,what are you thinking??(man to karta hai KACCHA BITE (kha) jauo)

acerbity - sounds like a celibrity. celibrities are sweet talking. so a+cerbity will be opposite...bitter

a + cerbity (in hindi language sharbati means sweet solution) and 'a' shows negation hence its like something which is not sweet hence bitter.

acerbity-the root word is latin-"acer",which means sour or bitter

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bity there gives some idea of bitterness

ACER laptops!!! sounds sarcastic, Ppl dnt buy them much,rather prefer IBM,HP,SONY laptops... don't they?

Acerbic....u can relate it to acid...which is bitter

Ace+ bity: acetic acid is sour and bitter in taste, so, bitterness/sour in speech and temper

like acid bite

ACER(laptop)+BEATy...when you BEAT someone by ACER laptop...it will be harsh,bitter....

Aseh-bhi thi

ace + bitchy >>> ekk number ki bitchy ladki hai woh... TALKS BITTER ABOUT PEOPLE..

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