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    accrue - Dictionary definition and meaning for word accrue

    (verb) grow by addition
    Example Sentence
    • The interest accrues
    (verb) come into the possession of
    Synonyms : fall
    Example Sentence
    • The house accrued to the oldest son
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for accrue

sounds like AKDU(hindi...means haughty)....so a person becomes akdu when he gains a lot

Sounds like 1 crore, one who has 1 crore bucks will do the following :acquire, amass, collect, earn, gain, grow, increase, multiply, redound, snowball, swell, these are the synonyms of ACCRUE

accrue sounds like acquire... accrue wealth acquire wealth gain wealth

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Accrue means accumulate,increase,mount up,amass..And sounds like a-crew and crew means: all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.. so remember it with crew members who accumulate food, other necessary things while they sail..

a+crew(crew-group),now we can memorise it as ,an ADDITIONAL crew member comes in the plane.

A+Crow: a crow accrue pebbles to drink water from jar.

process of accumulation

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