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    accoutre - Dictionary definition and meaning for word accoutre

    (verb) provide with military equipment
    Synonyms : accouter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for accoutre

couture means dress ,accoutre means furnish with dress or equipment;to equip or to attire

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accoutre ~ sounds like encounter..... imagine cops often need to be well equipped (accoutred) during encounter.

accouture...well u al must b aware f haute couture-whch is a busines f fashionable n expensive clothes 4 women..in whch womens take part in fashion showz wid wel equipd dress...so basically couture counts for well equipped dresses

accoutre: sounds like "scouts" , hence scouts students shld be trained with equipments.

accoutre sounds like a scooter ..imagine a security scooter EQUIPPED WITH GUNS AND GRENADES.

Think of ACCOUTRED. When Ricky Ponting was OUT, He became RED with anger(out-red,catch my drift? :O) and threw His EQUIPMENT at the TV set.

accoutre= when a person have to go in court he have to be in well dressed

coutre means dress, you can remember it by 'haute couture' which means elegant dressing.

a scooter is equip with a extra Tyre

"accourte":ac+courte(court) so a cour t is surrounded with cop's for security purpose..

sound like scooter.. well equip

accoutre= ac(eak=1) + coutre(quater=home), i.e ! quater is surrounded by military who are EQUIPPED with arms.

accoutre sounds like a coup equips with guns and grenades.

ac (act) coutre (torture) = to act to torture you need to equip with military...


Accoutre Sounds like a Scooter - A scooter full(well Equiped) of latest Technologies like GPS etc.

police ac+court will be fully equiped

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