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    abnegation - Dictionary definition and meaning for word abnegation

    (noun) the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief
    Example Sentence
    • abnegation of the Holy Trinity
    (noun) renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abnegation

abnegate: ab+nahi+get; meaning giving up something

Ab-negate ~ relate negate to negative and ab to away. It implies subtracting something. Subtracting (removing away) some important aspect of your life means sacrificing something.

abnegation=ab+negation. negation part could be considered as saying negative answer. when you say NO to something, you have rejected it or renounced it

Ab-abishek, negation-negitive,,,," Abishek bachan sacrificed himself to do negitive role in RAVAN as director requested him"

abnegation= absent negotiation= when two lovers cant negotiate with their parents about their love they have to self sacrifice for others

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ab+negation..negation means negative or not..Even they dont like or not.. 'ab'away.. they give away.. they sacrifice.

abnegation negation =negotiation usually during negotiation u have to sacfice sumthng. so negation=self sacrifce

abnegation- abne-apne , gation sounds like nation..apne nation ke liye mene self sacrifice de diya

Abnation is part of life in abbey(The dwelling place of society of monks and nuns.) Abbey can be remembered by OBEY. (Monks and nuns obey the rule.)

ab-negate: ab (now) I negate (nullify) myself..

state of having no ego-abn(o)eg(o)tion- sacrifice state

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