• word of the day


    invigorate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word invigorate

    (verb) heighten or intensify
    Synonyms : animate , enliven , exalt , inspire
    Example Sentence
    • These paintings exalt the imagination
    (verb) give life or energy to
    Synonyms : quicken
    Example Sentence
    • The cold water invigorated him
    (verb) make lively
    Synonyms : animate , enliven , liven , liven up
    Example Sentence
    • let's liven up this room a bit
    (verb) impart vigor, strength, or vitality to
    Synonyms : reinvigorate
    Example Sentence
    • Exercise is invigorating
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for invigorate

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split as in + vigor. invigorate gives some one vigor (i.e) strengthens them and rejuvenates them

it sounds like viagra. viagra gives high rejuvanating energy:P

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