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    flaunt - Dictionary definition and meaning for word flaunt

    (noun) the act of displaying something ostentatiously
    Example Sentence
    • his behavior was an outrageous flaunt
    (verb) display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously
    Synonyms : flash , ostentate , show off , swank
    Example Sentence
    • he showed off his new sports car
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flaunt

flaunt ->Friend's aunt; my Friend's aunt always flaunts.

flamboyant(showy) aunt

flaunt="flatter"+"aunt" ,, aunty flattered uncle by displaying herself ostentatiously

flaunt = fla (flash)+ aunt (aunty)= aunty flaunts her bounty

Aunt is trying to flat everyone by show off and her looks,display

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Flaunt and flirt are somewhat similar. People tend to flirt with people who flaunt.

Shambles sounds like scrambles, DISORDER.

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