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    febrile - Dictionary definition and meaning for word febrile

    (adj) of or relating to or characterized by fever
    Synonyms : feverish
    Example Sentence
    • a febrile reaction caused by an allergen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for febrile

febrile - feeble; the voice of a person becomes feeble when he has fever

if you travel to kashmir in February via rail( RILE )way you are bound to get fever

fever + ill fever like

it's derived from latin root FEBRIS which means fever....now febris sounds like february...in february we are all having fever of love on 14th

febrile sounds similar to - feverile -> fever like

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replace b by v...FEVRILE

In the month of FEB he doesnt board a train (RAIL-RILE),coz in that he has chekd a lot of accidents..so if he travel in train he wil get struck with FEVER...

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