• word of the day


    disentangle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word disentangle

    (verb) release from entanglement of difficulty
    Synonyms : disencumber , extricate , untangle
    Example Sentence
    • I cannot extricate myself from this task
    (verb) extricate from entanglement
    Synonyms : straighten out , unsnarl
    Example Sentence
    • Can you disentangle the cord?
    (verb) free from involvement or entanglement
    Synonyms : disembroil , disinvolve
    Example Sentence
    • How can I disentangle myself from her personal affairs?
    (verb) separate the tangles of
    Synonyms : unwind
    (verb) smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb
    Synonyms : comb , comb out
    Example Sentence
    • comb your hair before dinner
    • comb the wool
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disentangle

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DI(two)SENT(moved)ANGLE- i,e some things are sent to two different angle hence apart from each other.

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