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    brazen - Dictionary definition and meaning for word brazen

    (verb) face with defiance or impudence
    Example Sentence
    • brazen it out
    (adj) unrestrained by convention or propriety
    Example Sentence
    • an audacious trick to pull
    • a barefaced hypocrite
    • the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim
    • bald-faced lies
    • brazen arrogance
    • the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress
    (adj) made of or resembling brass (as in color or hardness)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brazen

Split the word brazen as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and brazen!

Brazen == Bra+zen hey isn't his girlfriend "zen" looking hot only in a bra.

pronounce brazen means insolent ten time keeping the image of a girl in a bra who is bold and insolent.

Brazen, its from old english word braesen means made of brass(strong enough metal)so the person who is brazen is bold or strong enough & don't really care what others will think about it..

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Brazen = Be Ragened (rage = anger). When do u get angered? When sm1 behaves INSOLENTLY (Disrespectfully) with u.

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